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How to register customers to your loyalty program

Find a way that suits your business to sign customers up to your loyalty program

Massimo Sirolla avatar
Written by Massimo Sirolla
Updated over 12 months ago

Choose from the options below to start signing customers up quickly to your loyalty program. The options are ranked in order of recommendation to recruit as many customers as possible to your loyalty program.

1. Take your customer's details and enter them directly into the Loyalzoo software. We typically recommend this way of registering customers as it leaves you, the business, in control. Customers can be lazy, take control and register as many customers as you can.

2. Get customers to register with a customer-facing tablet.

Set up a customer-facing tablet so customers can enter their own details to sign up or check-in to your loyalty program. Click the button below to find easy instructions on how to set this up.

3. Get customers to register or check-in using a QR code.

You can set up a QR code specific to your business. Find out below.

4. Get customers to install the Loyalzoo app on their smartphone.

This will automatically check-in customers each time they enter your business. Find ways to promote the Loyalzoo app below.

5. Register customer's online. Add a registration form to your website so customer's can sign up with their email or phone number.

  • Add a section to your website outlining your loyalty program

  • Find your Loyalzoo Merchant ID from your Account Settings

  • Add the shortcode below to your website, replacing the XXXX with your Loyalzoo Merchant ID

    style="min-width: 360px; min-height: 400px;"

  • Alternatively, provide this link to customers Again replacing the XXXX with your Loyalzoo Merchant ID

  • Customers will be presented the registration page below.

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