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Failed payments and expired cards

Understanding best practices and the automated retry process for declined and expired cards

Massimo Sirolla avatar
Written by Massimo Sirolla
Updated over a week ago

The Memberships and Recurring Payments service automatically takes care of failed payments and expired cards on file, based on best practices. 

Find below the card retry and communication steps taken by Loyalzoo to help easily manage failed payments:

Day 1 of a failed payment: Loyalzoo will email the merchant immediately (with the email we have on file for you) to let you know you have a failed payment from a particular customer and that we will continue to retry daily. No action from you is required at this point.  

Day 2 + 4 and 7 of a failed payment: No action from you is required at this point. Loyalzoo will once again email you to let you know that the card is still failing but this time we also email the customer to let them know that they have a failed payment. There is a secure payment link available in the email, so customers can update their own payment card details (Note: If the customer updates their card details, a $1 pre-authorization will occur. Learn more about pre-authorizations). 

Example customer email:

Day 11 of a failed payment: Action is required on your behalf at this point. We will email you to let you know that the card has failed with each retry. The membership will go into a suspended state, indicating new payment card details will need to be collected. Once a new active payment card is added, the membership will return to an active state and collect any missing payments.

Expired cards:  The Loyalzoo service already has a process that updates expired cards automatically. A small percentage of expired cards will not be updated automatically and in this instance, the above steps will occur.   

If you would like more detail on why the card was declined, you can find this information in the Clover transactions app and in payment reports via the Memberships & Recurring Payments dashboard.

***You will never be charged a transaction fee for unsuccessful payments.

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